Anthology of balaji - illustrated book lessons

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Hi friends.

We are back. Today we will be sharing another great book. It's written by the author who has written The Almanack of Naval. It's about a successful angel investor who shares his wars of thinking about future.

It's all about future and where we are heading and what we can learn from it.

This is our book this week.

It is easier to create new than reforming the old

Technology reduces scarcity

Regulations hinder innovation

Everything is going native digital

Blockchain is a big disruption

Media is biased towards negative news

Unpopular truth is source of profit

If people neglect your product it is worse than if they attack it.

Founders are better than inheritors

Two modes of working startups

This completes our book number 41 out of 100 great books reading challenge.

Leaving you with a great quote by Jiddu Krishnamurti.


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