Clear thinking - illustrated book lessons

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Hi friends.

I am adding new feature to our illustrated newsletter. I will be sharing very brief notes of lessons learnt from the book. It will make this newsletter a bit more exhaustive while still saving your time as you learn from a great book.

Starting with this excellent book by Shane Paarish. In future these ultra notes will be added to all our previous newsletters. Let's start.

We have inbuilt biological instincts

We revert to default thinking patterns especially if we are tired or stressed


These things build strength of your thinking process

If situation can be changed use safeguards and build strengths. If situation cannot be changed use safeguards.

Various safeguards are shown

Techniques for making a decision

Prepare for worse outcomes

Focus on the process of a decision. Not only on outcomes.

Always be clear about both these questions.

This completes book 35/100 of our 100 great books reading challenge.

Upcoming great books summaries.


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