Same as ever - illustrated book lessons

Made by human without AI

Hi friends,

We are back. This time it is the second book by Morgan Housel who is famous for his book The psychology of money. This book is good. It is about basic principles of human life. Let's start.

Small moments make the destiny

Risk is what you don't see and can't see

Wealth is relative

People value stories not stats

All great things can not be measured

Calm breeds chaos

Good news are slower than the fast news

Tiny things over a long time become extraordinary

Dream like an optimist. Plan like a pessimist

Perfectionist has more vulnerability

People want incentives and neglect advice

Wounds heal but scars remain

Next week's book - 7 rules of power

Friends that completes this edition. This was the book 37/100 of our 100 great books reading challenge. Will be back next week.


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