How to grow your small business by Donald Miller

Made by human without AI

Hi friends,

I am trying hard to keep up to with the task of putting together 100 great books as illustrated book lessons. Your continuous support has been so uplifting that all hurdles due to personal engagements are being tackled by me slowly.

This is book 42/100 of 100 great book lessons. Hope you will find it useful.

Lets begin with another good book This time it is a simple guide by Donald Miller which has most basic and essential lessons about running a small business. Its useful for every small business owner.

First step is to define your mission.

It should be - 1. Specific target which is 2. measurable and which is 3. clear to everyone in the team. It should come with a 4. deadline for completion and you should match it with your 5. Why.

Why is the purpose that propels you to go to the office daily. If goal is not in same vein as your purpose or if it is vague then process fails.

Prepare a statement like - We will do A by date B because of C (PURPOSE).

This is your mission statement and it includes simple steps which everyone in your team can do.

Second step is product. It should be useful.

It helps people to make money

or save money

or increase status

or simplify life

or reduce pain or frustration

or help in connection

or feel good or to not feel bad

or create good experiences

or improving health.

Then comes marketing. It is what you tell to world. It is your brand script. It should be simple and interesting and should contain brief catchy message.

It should convey two message to the client -

1. It will help him survive

2. It will help him thrive.

Its parts are as below-

Character in your story - Customer. What your customer wants?

Problem of your customer - What problem will your product or service solve?

Guide - Use empathy in your message to show that you understand your customer.

Use authority to promote your product as these messages go through easily.

Plan - Show path to the customer. How he can buy. There should be very few steps.

Click to action - There should be a big buy now button on your message.

Show decision cost to customers. - Show what they will lose or fail to gain by refusing the offer. Show how their life will improve after using your offerings.

After you have created a good advertisement its time for your sales department.

First thing to know is that quality alone cannot sell. It is the perceived quality of your brand that sells.

Make your customer hero of your story. Be his friend in story who is there to help him in his journey even at his own cost.

Solve his actual problem. Be authentic. Share actual offerings without exaggeration.

And then stay ready to face the rejection.

On rejection know that rejection is better than ignorance by the market.

At least you are one of the contenders. End conversation at a point where it can start again in future time.

So your product needs as story in which customer is Hero. Help him in his pursuit of a solution to solve his life problems. Get to a side and play the role of a friend to the hero of a story.

Ending the post with an update. Easy book of thoughts is now available as kindle book and paperback in all marketplaces.


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