Hidden potential - Illustrated book lessons

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Hi friends,

Today sharing lessons from the new book by Adam Grant. It is about potential of every human and things we can do to increase our chances of achieving it. We will be concise so as not to waste your time.

Build character to attain your true potential

Procrastination is not time management problem but an emotion management problem.

Biggest cure of fear of mistakes is making more mistakes

Don't be cheerleader. Don't be a critic. Become a coach to your friend.

Playful practice maintains motivation and prevents burnout

Breaks and hobbies are investments in your well-being and increase productivity

Biggest motivator is - Sense of progress

Different leaders are required for different teams

Instead of brainstorming write ideas seperately and then discuss as a team. This defects conformity.

This completes our book number 36 out of 100 great books reading challenge. We will be back with another great book next week.

Next week's book


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