How to talk to anyone by Leil Lowendes - illustrated book lessons

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HI friends . We are back with book 46 out of 100 great books illustrated book lessons.

Today’s book was published in 1999 and is very famous. It is a copy of the eternal bestseller, “How to influence people and win friends.”

Book describes 92 ways to improve communication but I am sure that there are only around 20 unique lessons to take away. Rest are repetitive.

We will try to gather together the main lessons we can use.

Whenever you meet somebody take a pause and then flash a wide warm smile that reaches peak slowly.

show a warm and slow and wide smile

Use different smiles for different situations.

Use different smiles for different occasions

Keep eye contact (Epoxy eyes) with the person you are talking to.

Keep eyes on your person of interest in between even if you are talking to somebody else or doing something.

Whenever you enter a gathering show a confident body posture as if you are hanging by a thread in your teeth. Head high, shoulders back and like floating on your toes. Perception is everything.

Have a confident body language

When you meet someone treat him or her like a little 3 year old baby who has wandered to your side. That means take genuine interest in them.

Take deep interest in the person in front

Imagine the person is your very old buddy.

When talking do not fidget as it lowers credibility.

Do not fidget while speaking

When talking keep observing reactions of the listener and adjust yourself.

Assess the mood of the person to start a difficult conversation.

See the mood before taking up a new topic

Body language is more important than words.

If you want to catch attention then carry a strange thing with you.

Keep yourself updated about current affairs and hot topics.

To answer where do you live, say- city name plus some fact about the city.

To answer what you do, say- Your job plus some peculiar fact related to it. This will act as a conversation starter.

While introducing someone say- Person’s name plus one quality of him/her.

With city name, job and person name add something to invite further talk

Judge their interest from initial talk and talk more about it.

Listen actively. Keep saying , very well said and I can understand that. Say wow frequently. Repeat the words of your friend. If you like a story ask the person to repeat it. Remember good memories of the old meeting.

Be a good listener

Praise the person indirectly through common friend. Praise the person praising you.

Praise person on his back

Use positive words (only) in parties or at dinner.

If you want to say, “ me too” on any topic of interest, take a pause.

Use we and you more often in your conversation. Do not use cliche words.

Do not make mockery of anyone in group.

Deliver the news according to the capacity and IQ of the listener.

If you do not want to answer a question, repeat it in the tone and manner of the person asking.

Say thank you for ……..

Learn customs and professional lingo of others. Copy their accent and body language. Copy local dialect.

Always compliment fast. Even if you want to criticize include a praise or positive quality in it.

Talk with positive emotion even on phone. Praise even the receptionist and respect him/her. When you call someone please make certain that person can take a call.

Use positive language mostly

When you go to a party pause at the gate. Do not start eating straightaway.

Remember the personal life of your client. Ignore little fumbles. If you do somebody a favor wait for some days before asking a return favor. Do not discuss important topic when person is in hurry.

Use empathy and accept and understand the suffering of others.

If you do some mistake then try to delight the person who has suffered a loss that can be fulfilled by material things.

Give respect to alfa and subordinates.

Leaving you with cover of my recent book.

Easy book of thoughts



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