Think like a monk - illustrated book lessons

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Wish you a productive Sunday.

Today I am sharing lessons from the book - Think like a monk by Jay Shetty. Book touches many aspects of purposeful living. This is book 41 out of 100 great books illustrated book lessons.

Think like a monk

Main lessons from the book.

Location has energy. Time has memory. To make good habits do the routine at the same location and at the same time.

  1. Try to do deep work on a single contemplative task

  1. Life is a war between a good and a bad wolve. Feed the right one.

  1. Learn to communicate with yourself and with others.

  1. Practice detachment to reduce suffering and declutter your surroundings to reduce distractions.

  1. Want new idea then read old books.

  1. Monk mind is focused, internally directed, determined and long term thinker.

  1. To find your actual voice turn down opinions, expectations and obligations.

  1. For every bad person in your circle have three good people.

  1. For bad habits spot, stop and swap.

  1. Forgiveness is for yourself.

  1. Find junction of your passion, skills and utility. This is your dharma.

  1. Trust can be natural, contractual, mutual and pure.

  1. What you run from will chase you longer.

This was book number 40/100 great books reading challenge.

Leaving you with an exciting news.

My book - Easy book of thoughts is now available as kindle book and paperback in all Amazon marketplaces.

Need your best wishes for its success.

Links to this book if you want to go have a look.


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